
Benedict: A Legend Reborn

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Every night her struggles survive. A loving and fragile heart saddened by an unthinkable specter. The one wish, a faded memory staining the land; the fears, a nightmare thrust upon the world. For generations Mrs. Leeds has been trapped by an unthinkable horror in the damp misery of the Pine Barrens. A life tainted by sin, ravaged by the knowledge that her unwanted son continues to survive and fracture the boundaries of reality.

Centuries have passed since Benedict Leeds was born into the world, an echo in time not forgotten by society. Was he just the thirteenth child of the reclusive Madame, or was he indeed the spawn of a rancid witch and her forked tongued lover Satan? To neighbors, his heritage was apparent before his first breath. The cloven hooves, the chilling howls; clearly, he absconded to carry on his father’s mission of corrupting the weak and terrifying the masses.  

For over 200 years, Benedict, or as he has been famously named, the Jersey Devil, has wondered the Pine Barrens in southern New Jersey. According to legend, the year was 1735 when he first unfurled his majestic pterodactyl wings, and took flight; his goat-like horse head, piercing fangs, and forked tail paying homage to his father. That was a brisk November night, when he growled, screamed, and then killed the midwife before escaping up the chimney. From there, he circled the villages and headed toward the pines, cursed to haunt the area for all eternity.

Since his furtive birth, stories of his legend grew, yet by most accounts he just spread his wings and tormented the witnesses occasionally preying upon a helpless chicken or goat. All the while, tales of mysterious animal mutilations and even human disappearances have plagued this desolate region. Yes, there was no clear proof linking these heinous acts to Benedict, but those deep within the Barrens knew the truth. Instead, he was given credit for the strange and weird happenings that took place in this shadowy region, all marked by accounts of his putrid smell, glowing red eyes, and blood-curdling cries that echo through the woods.

Through the infancy of a nation, a fight for independence, and a Civil War, outsiders rarely saw Benedict; instead, he became a ghost story at the fire or a yarn spun by Sailors as the traversed through the rough Atlantic. In fact, the Jersey Devil was rarely seen until the early 1900s when he made his presence felt with a vengeance. No one knows exactly what happened to awaken this soul, but in 1909, something definitely came to life within the Pine Barrens.

Even today, word of the Jersey Devil still sends chills down the spines of visitors and in many ways is more than just a legend. Every night he struggles with the loneliness, his mind wandering the pathways hoping to find the love of a mother lost. Misunderstood by the population, his torment, in this world we now share is hidden within the reeds he calls home. This bane became evident on a cold November night deep in the heart of his sanctuary of Leeds Point as a couple of researchers made their way toward the legendary ruins of his ancestral home.

Michael Zetti and Brittany Deel had made this trip hundreds of times before during the course of their research. The loving couple, especially young Brittany, felt at home here in the pines. To this day, their book Searching the Abyss, is a must read for Cryptozoologists, and one of the most detailed accounts of the myths of the Jersey Devil that can be found.

Michael is the leader; with his geeky exterior and signature taped glasses hiding the rugged athleticism that drew Brittany to his side. Brittany was the perfect companion to Mike complete with pale skin, subtle curves, and the sensual librarian look that made men swoon. She was not alone tonight, as this would be her last trip into the woods for some time, now that she was with child.

When they arrived at Leeds Point, they were still debating whether or not they wanted to venture into the woods alone, after the three other members of their expedition backed out. Sometime during their last trip to this location, the group stumbled upon what appeared to be an ancient altar within a circular grove of pine. Because of the proximity to the foundation of the Leeds Cabin, the idea of an active coven performing rituals on this fertile land was unsettling, and scared the other investigators away.

This dark night began the same as always, but soon they felt something was different. Feverish chills covered every inch of their bodies, as an eerie fog from the Atlantic shrouded their every step. As Michael turned the corner, he knew something was not right. The brisk November wind cut through his soul. The dense atmosphere made every breath a challenge. He could feel this unnatural darkness drown his reality. Something or someone was near, standing tall as a shadow stalking his every step, the subtle fragrance of rot emanating from the brush. All of a sudden, winding his way down the overgrown path toward ruins felt like a huge mistake.

“Brittany, is that you?” he said as he crept toward the lights that sat off in the distance. “I know where we are, but come on… This is not funny!”

There, in the moonlight, a faint outline rose through the mist. The sounds of silence echoed in his mind as he realized that what stood before him was not Brittany. In fact, it may not be human. He could see the wings glisten in what was left from the glow of the full moon. His heart raced; he knew what lay ahead. Michaels’ dreams have been answered by the almighty, his legendary tormentor waits. Crack! A loud crash resonated through the forest,

“Mike, where are you?” Brittany called out. Silence followed.

The aroma of death drew the couple together, slowly steering them toward the ruins. A foul musk saturates the den, clouding their minds. All they can see are the piles of random bones that litter the darkness.

“Brittany, thank God, Brittany,” Michael said, “Where in the Hell did these come from? They were not here during the day!”

“I don’t fucking know,” Brittany screamed, “Get me the Hell out of here.”

The uneasy feelings grew louder as they ventured closer. Deer, rabbit, mountain lion, and human remains are everywhere; something definitely calls this dreary abyss home. Is it just a bear, or is it what we came for: the Jersey Devil himself? I thought. Snap! A branch crashed outside the entrance; the creature was close. The couple did not know what to do. This could be the moment they had been hoping for, proof that the Jersey Devil exists.

“What do we do Mike,” Brittany said, “I never thought that we would find anything. I never believed the legend was real.”

“How do I know,” Mike replied, “It was only supposed to be a legend.”

At once, an odd silence cut through the tension mere seconds before the huge sandstone sarsen crashed at their feet. His message was clear: Stay Away!

Deep inside the wetlands, Benedict had waited for another group of innocent to arrive, his putrid soul craving another feast. Famished, he wondered through the dark fissure knowing that the Lord of Light will not forsake him. He knew that soon, he would again be dining on divine flesh. Little did he realize on this November night that his desire was set to become a reality that two pure souls were about to enter his sanctuary? Once they were at the remnants of his ancestral home, he would have to protect the last connection to his mother, and the life he lost when he ventured through the chimney toward the dismal thicket.

“Hello,” Mike said, “who’s there?” Silence echoed through the dismal forest. “Look Brittany, it’s no one. This must be our imagination.”

Crack! Again, something crashed behind them. No, they were not alone. Brittany shrieked! Her spinal column shuttered as the colossal beast approached; her life flashing before her eyes. Trepidation overwhelms, as these emotions feed her terror. Death nears.

It had only been an hour since the couple arrived at the point and to their surprise the unimaginable has happened. They were standing at the foundation of a legend, and it is clear that his mutated visage joined them. How could this be? How could the Jersey Devil be real and stalking them? The events of this night happened faster than they ever could have imagined. How would they, could they, escape?

“…God, that plagued beast has us trapped Brittany,” Mike exclaimed. “Oh God, what are we going to do?”

“Mike, we must find shelter,” Brittany replied, “We must try to hide and make it until the morning. We must escape this festering rot. I know you said that we had to go out tonight, but it is all about survival now.”

As the couple huddled up by the pile of stones praying for their lives, they made a startling discovery. The shallow breathing that echoed in the fog was surrounding them. There had to be more than one. This could not be. The legend said that the Jersey Devil was a solitary being, destined to roam the Earth alone. Yet, in the distance it was clear that the shrieks and the wretched smell that overwhelmed their presence were coming from every direction. Was he circling them from the sky? Or, has he found a way to multiply and carry on his soiled bloodline?

Brittany glanced down the hill toward a small path heading to the sea, “Mike, I do not see an escape, we are trapped here with these vile things.”

“Sadly, we cannot wait Brittany,” Mike said, “We must try to escape, we cannot hide. There is no shelter.”

“Come on Mike, we have not seen any bloodshed yet,” Brittany replied, “We must find shelter; survive. Quick, give me that rock, with a perfect shot; maybe I can buy us some time to find something.”

“I cannot wait anymore Brittany, I have to escape,” Mike yelled, as he took off from the foundation in a blur.

“Oh God, look… Mike… No-o-o! The pain, oh God, no, look at his pain.” Brittany screamed, “Stop, no, stop, it is eating him!”

The revolting creature was indeed devouring him; his screams for assistance drowned by the disturbing sound of his meat being torn apart. Benedict tore him limb from limb until his divine grey was unveiled for the mass. His last chance of survival snuffed out by a single bad decision. Panicked, Brittany knew that she must find shelter, the Devil’s appetite tempted by the taste of Mike’s flesh.  

“Mike, no, Mike, you cannot be gone,” Brittany cried, “Fuck you Mike, come on! Did you know I was pregnant you bastard, now what I am to do? Come on Mike, stop with the games.

Brittany was in shock; she could not believe what she was watching. Could this really be happening, could Benedict really be feasting on the flesh of her partner? In all her years of research, she was really only along for the ride, barely paying attention to the legends and stories; this was Mike’s obsession. The investigations and writings were her way of spending quality time together. Damn, I should have paid attention to the stories, she thought, what am I going to do now?

Think… Think, what is that wicked creature? Where did he come from? His skin, his head; the wings… My God, his face!

Indeed the Jersey Devil was standing before Brittany devouring her boyfriend and her thoughts instantly moved toward the unborn child within her. “Give me strength lord to escape, to escape these atrocities. I alone am insignificant, a soulless vessel trapped inside this blood stained forest. But, my son, my son will be different. I just know he will be. I can feel his greatness pulsate throughout my womb, his destiny lies on a different path. Where do I turn? What am I to do?”

Brittany was indeed trapped inside the foundation with nowhere to turn, and now, no one to assist her escape. Perplexed, she had no idea on what to do. Inside the ruins, only rocks, stones and bones, surrounded her. Outside she would be surrounded by the atrocity that devoured Mike. Truly, there was no clear answer on what she would do. All she knew was that she had to survive, not just for her, but also for her child, and to seek vengeance against this vile demon that destroyed her man.

After some thought, there was only one thing she could do; she had to hide among the bones and pray that morning would arrive before this creature decided that he needed dessert.

“Ugh, I hate bones,” Brittany shushed, as she made a hole in the center of the large pile of remains inside the ruins.

Choking on the rising bile in her throat, she could barely hold back the vomit as she squirmed her way into the pile. Her body cold, damp, and quivering from the moist night air and the decaying flesh lining the pile of scraps. For the first time since meeting Mike, she was alone and helpless. Shivering, and trying to stay quiet, a waterfall of tears started to swirl in her eyes as she thought about her unborn son. Hold on baby, momma will protect you. Momma will make things right for you. Damn your father. Why did he run off like that? Some brave soul he was. What in the Hell was he thinking? It is his loss though. Just remember that after you are born, when you become a man, a leader. Until then, rely on my guidance; you are and will be my world.

“Hold on baby, I will protect you tonight as we wait for the sun to rise,” Brittany whispered to her son, “If your fathers research is correct, that beast is nocturnal, and should leave us alone around dawn.”

Suddenly, Whoosh! Brittany could hear Benedict take flight from the outside of the foundation. His high-pitched curdling screeches resonating through the barrens. Whoosh, whoosh! He was circling the area, clearly searching the debris for her. She could feel his eyes staring into her soul, homing in on her location. With each passing second, a cold sweat started inching down her face; she was paralyzed by fear, and the realization that her life was likely to end in the same location where a life was once created.

This stalking took place for what seemed like an eternity, as the devil never approached her or the foundation. Instead, this legendary beast continued to circle her, occasionally diving down to ground level to take a closer look. In was clear that he knew she was there, and he was taunting her, torturing her every thought and keeping her frozen with fear. What did he want? Why hadn’t he preyed on her shallow breath, or dined on her warm flesh?

“What’s that? The sun? What,” Brittany awoke into a sweat, “Damn, I must have passed out. Where is that beast?”

Groggily, Brittany peered from beneath the pile of flesh and bone to see the warming rays of the sun begin to break through the morning haze; the fresh sea air filling her lungs with life, and the soothing scent of saltwater breaking through the stuffiness from her night of terror. “The smell, is he gone? Did I really make it through the night? Where did he go?”

Still in shock, Brittany scanned her surroundings, her torturous ordeal burnt deep into her mind. Not far from the foundation, she saw a dark stain upon the land, a patch that could be what was left of her fallen lover. Stealthily, she made her way toward the spot, praying with all her heart that it was not Mike, and that somehow this nightmare was a vulgar trick played on her by he and his friends. Could that be the case? Really, could Mike still be alive? That has to be the case, she thought, there is no way that creature was real. This is a joke!

“Mike, enough already…” She yelled, “Come out and show yourself.”

Crunch! Something or someone approached her back. With each step closer, her body shook with fear. Brittany could feel a moist warm pant cascade down her neck. While she prayed it was Mike, the putrid smell of bile and sulfur emanating from the deep breathing made it clear that it was not human. Benedict had returned to finish what he started last night; he was there to silence the only one who could add this tale to his legend.

“Brittany, turn and look me in the eyes,” Benedicts’ raspy voice cut through the tension.

Slowly, crying, shaking, Brittany turned to face her tormentor. His Baphomet-like horse head towering over her, but it was his eyes that captivated her. His deep blue eyes were not that of a demon. No, his eyes were full of depression and sadness, and kept her from being drawn to the hideous nature of his body. No, not despair; his eyes were full of love.

“Brittany, why did you come here last night?” He whispered, “Why couldn’t you stay away? You are a beautiful and smart woman, you had to have discovered your connection to this place.”

Weak and shuddering from what was happening, she could not fathom what was taking place.

“What… What are you talking about,” she replied.

“Brittany, I know you can feel a warmth here, you feel one with this land,” Benedict said,

“Do you know why? Well, because you and I are family.”

At that moment, she lost control of her senses and the now familiar taste of bile touched her tongue as the waterfall of vomit cascaded through her teeth to the damp autumn ground. Could this be, she thought, as she stared deep into her soul. What she found shook her to the ground; in her heart, she knew this was true. She knew that she was related to the vile creature that devoured her lover.

“What do you want from me?” she asked, “Why am I still alive?”

As the Jersey Devil looked into her eyes, Brittany saw a tear begin to fall. “Brittany, I could never hurt you,” he said. “For centuries I have waited on my family to return, terrifying all those who wanted to desecrate our land. If you did not know, Mother was a witch, and she cursed this land and me for all eternity. A curse that was broken when you returned tonight.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” she screamed, “How did I break some damn curse? This is crazy, absolutely crazy! I did not do anything tonight except watch you have your way with Mike, how could I have done anything to break some curse? This has to be a nightmare, I have to wake up!”

“No, Brittany, this is not a dream, it is real and in a way you have set me free,”

Benedict said staring into her soul. “You are pregnant, right? I could sense it as soon as you stepped out of the car. That child is special to me, that child is destined to take my place here amongst the pines and take my place in the legend. Mother made it so. The curse, her sin, made me who I am, and trapped me here until one of my kin came home with child. You Brittany are the first, and soon you will set me free.”

“No way!” She screamed, “There is no way you are touching my son!”

“It is too late Brittany,” he replied, “it is already done.”

Gently, Benedict opened his mouth and leaned toward Brittany, who was frozen with fear. Her heart palpitations grew faster, and an uncontrollable wave of tears ran down her face as she felt the razors from his talons pierce her abdomen. She could feel the blades slice through her stomach and reach into her depths. She could feel her young fetus come to life within his hands. Gradually, she could see his ominous teeth salivating; preparing for another delectable banquet. Crunch! Agony engulfs her. Benedict cried.

As Benedict stood over her lifeless body, the subtle breaths of the young child turned to a scream. His savior was alive, and his salvation was near. He placed the baby on the foundation, covered him in the fresh blood from his mothers’ womb, turned to the sky, and yelled, “I baptize you in the name of the father, arise young Malachi and assume your place as a legend!”

Lightning crashed around them and in a flash young Malachi stood for the first time. His once normal features transformed into the hideous likeness of Benedict, his wings unfurled, he looked around and took flight; the legend of the Jersey Devil was reborn.

Today, many search the evergreens calling young Leeds, hoping that his presence will manifest before them. Yet, they are left with his despair sweeping into their dreams, comforting them with soft whispers in the darkness. At some point, destinies will unite, and the vision of evil will appear and lives will be changed forever. When it does, one thing is certain. Myth or legend, devil or angel, forever he will survive as alone link to days of yore and a dark shadow in the fabric of the whispering pine
This week I have to write a short film horror script for class and needed some source material to call on. Since I have been battling some insomnia, I sat back and crafted this short story to be my basis.
© 2015 - 2024 mmihalko13
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